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Paula M Maniatis



no·​et·​ic | nō-ˈe-tik

Merriam-Webster dictionary

: of, relating to, or based on the intellect

Noetic derives from the Greek adjective noētikos, meaning "intellectual," from the verb noein ("to think") and ultimately from the noun nous, meaning "mind." Noetic is related to noesis, a rare noun that turns up in the field of philosophy and refers to the action of perceiving or thinking. The most notable use of noetic might be in the name of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, a research organization based in California that is devoted to studies of consciousness and the mind.

Noetic Sciences

Noetic Sciences is a multidisciplinary field of study that combines objective scientific techniques and tools with subjective inner knowing to study the full range of human experience.

Science focuses on external observation and is grounded in objective evaluation, measurement and experimentation. This is useful in increasing objectivity and reducing bias and inaccuracy as we interpret what we observe.

| Origins of Noetic Sciences

Founded in 1973, The Institute of Noetic Sciences describes Noetic Sciences as "how beliefs, thoughts, and intentions affect the physical world.” The affiliated research centers and direct-experience labs specialize in the intersection of science and the human experience. Since the 1970s, the term "Noetic" has been topical with scientists and authors. NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell has referenced Noetic Sciences, as has Dan Brown in The Lost Symbol (2009), Christian de Quincey in Deep Spirit: Cracking the Noetic Code (2008); both authors write about consciousness and spirituality.

| What is the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS)

Since 1973, the Institute of Noetic Sciences has explored the “big” questions:

· Who are we?

· What are our potentials, and how can we achieve those potentials?

· What leads to personal and societal collective healing and transformation?

Foundational to the research is the notion that limitations in human consciousness and in our understanding of it underlie many of the most pressing problems that face us as a global society (violence, inequity, misuse of resources). Therefore, gaining a more complete understanding of the nature of consciousness will reduce suffering and enhance quality of life for all. Their mission is to "advance the science of consciousness and human experience to serve individual and collective transformation."

| Science and Consciousness

We synthesize bodies of knowledge, such as the science of meditation or the role of consciousness and intention in healing, disseminate these summaries, and use what we have learned to identify next steps. We then communicate what we have learned in peer-reviewed scientific journals and scholarly meetings as well as to the general public, and we translate our findings into educational products and curricula for targeted audiences.

Increased scientific evidence indicates that in many different ways and with a variety of settings, consciousness is relevant. Therefore, it is important to reflect on and consider how consciousness influences health, behaviors, and our lives. Within consciousness there is a potential, that provides important clues about who and what we are and what we may be capable of accomplishing simply with intention.

Noetic science focuses on discovering where the connections exist at every level of the universe, which include that of human biology and consciousness. These trained scientists operate in their experiments under the assumption, that the universe is a quantum universe and human beings are quantum beings operating within that time and space. Events and reality are essentially non-linear in non-Newtonian physics, and therefore in the quantum realm there is a capacity of influence within the quantum field which is the essence and potential for change.

Humanity is confronted by important questions that ultimately will affect our individual and collective realities. The future of humanity and this planet requires that we explore our inner space with the same rigor and ingenuity as we explore our outer world; for the survival of our planet and humanity and our planet is of the upmost importance.

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