ALCHEMY - Wellness Travel
INDIGO - Wellness Travel
This is a space to share our personal connection with places of wellness and health. Whether you are travelling without moving or actually physically travelling, we would hope the gateways invite you either virtually or in person to experience the culture of a moment through the glimpse of the concepts presented through a unique place that offers both retreat and solace. Every exploration virtual and real is an opportunity to experience a shift in perspective essential to the transformative and holistic journey of wellness. Collective memoirs evoked from that journey add to our repertoire and tapestry of self. The tools and insights gained from that journey help us in many ways to navigate the complexity of life as we celebrate where we have been, what we have become, and where we aim to go. The travel experience alone is enough to empower the architecture of algorithms to place in our life-box; our personal tool shaped by a journey. These algorithms are our management skills, our internal platforms, and our interfaces that echo our journeys and travel. In time, with each step forwards into new places virtual and real, we hone and refine our expressions as we celebrate our documentary of self through images, photos, videos, and words. We reflect and echo our dynamic development through communications as we build bridges and networks with people on the backdrop of a resonant experience. The education of self in the context of wellness and health, is fortunately, never-ending.
ALCHEMY - Wellness
Oxford dictionary
A seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination.
Late Middle English via Old French and medieval Latin from Arabic al-kīmiyā', from al ‘the’ + kīmiyā' (from Greek khēmia, khēmeia ‘art of transmuting metals’).
As we have all been touched globally by the pandemic it has been a time of transformation and transition. The time now to be seen to be heard and to connect has transitioned into platforms and modalities that are reshaping our communications and our identity with those interfaces of expression. As we have seemingly lost our navigation systems of language and communication, we wish to be true to our expressions and ensure there is capture of the meanings we wish to convey. Whilst challenged by flat screens and concealed behind masks, Alchemy, as a part of HEAL, is a means of building bridges during a time where we have built walls, ceased air travel, and reshaped ourselves in isolation and confinement. Alchemy is the meaningful engagement inviting a natural discourse on topical bitter and sweet subjects related to the holistic wellness journey. My goals are to distill articles and write reviews in the sciences medical and integrative to get capture of a select few bulleted points as a take home message; an essential ingredient to a recipe, a novel navigation tool, an informative insight, or merely an explanation to something you have previously considered in abstract thinking perhaps not yet voiced, or drawn. As we build this blog, we are open to receive messaging so we may respond to your enquiry about these articles and references. Alchemy is our thoughtful consideration of transformative elements that may be as simple as is sun, soil, and water to manifest creation. After all, Alchemy is an ancient branch of natural philosophy.